Gao (Coach)
dear viewer! I am Chi, a passionate high school student who studies in Beijing
National Day School. I am a chemistry student, and actually my interest in
chemistry is originated at the time when I first tried to read the ingredient
list of my lay’s potato chips. Possessing a strong interest in the science of
chemistry, biology and food, I started to explore more and share my
understandings with more people. My aim is to help more people to have a
healthier diet, to share the principles of some interesting facts and phenomena
that we’ve met during cooking, as well as to give a general idea of the culture
of Chinese cooking. This website, therefore, is one of the few things that I’d
like to bring to the society. I am glad here to give a more holistic
understanding of food, and I really wish that you can enjoy the contents! If
you have any concerns, advices or just simply want to discuss with me about the
science of food, I will be very pleased to hear your voices!